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Objets et Informations spécifiques à l'aventure
« le: juin 26, 2020, 17:25:00 »
Livre "La Chaine de la Nuit"

Écris en 1200 par un docteur Keleshite et un voyant Valhadis, le livre explore le cerveau. L'organe est considéré  comme étant une extension de l'être, offrant une fenêtre sur d'autres réalités.

Le livre est tout de même un livre d'anatomie et de fonctionnement du cerveau. Offrant plusieurs façon de traiter les maux et d'influencer les pensées; drogues, thérapie, opérations.

Les maux décrits sont du type détresse psychologique et physique. Seulement dans la dernière partie du livre les sujets ésotériques apparaissent. Entre et d'intérêt pour vous; les cauchemars, la Dimension des Rêves et ses créatures.

Any reader who spends 1 hour consulting The Chain of Nights can immediately after use the hypnotism occult skill unlock (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 195) once per day even if that character isn’t capable of casting psychic spells or doesn’t possess the Psychic Sensitivity feat. Also, after 1 hour of consulting the tome, the reader gains a +2 bonus on a single Knowledge (planes) check related to the Dimension of Dreams. Additionally, the tome contains the spells dream, dream councilOA, dream scanOA, dream travelOA, and nightmare.

Most notoriously, it contains an elaborate—and some say flawed—ritual for releasing one’s dreams. While the rite functions, the side effects of failure can create dangerous beings known as oneirogens.

School conjuration (creation); Level 6
Casting Time 60 minutes
Components V, S, M, F (a candle flame flickering in a darkened room), SC (up to 12)
Skill Checks Heal DC 28, 4 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC
28, 2 successes
Range touch
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will save; SR yes
Backlash The primary caster is targeted by the spell nightmare every day for the next 1d6 days. The effect has the same DC as this ritual.

Failure The target takes 2d10 points of damage. If this kills the
target, the target becomes an oneirogen rather than dying.

This ritual creates a small rift between the Dimension of Dreams and the target’s mind. If the target suffers from natural, reoccurring nightmares, the ritual conjures them into a viscous, physical substance that boils forth from the target’s mouth and nose, then congeals into an inert, coal-like lump of dead dreamstuff. After this, the target has no natural nightmares for a year and never has those specific nightmares again. This ritual dispels the effect of the nightmare spell and makes the target immune to that spell for 1 week.

If the target is the victim of an outsider that can cast nightmare as a supernatural or spell-like ability, this ritual attempts to conjure that outsider. The target must have been affected by the outsider’s nightmare ability within the last 3 days. In this case, upon the ritual’s completion, the outsider must succeed at a Will saving throw or be summoned into a space adjacent to the target. If the target has been affected by multiple outsiders’ nightmare ability, the outsider with the lowest Hit Dice is conjured. The outsider is in no way controlled by the target or the ritual’s casters, and likely either attacks
those who conjured it or attempts to flee. Outsiders having an ability similar to nightmare—such as a night hag with its dream haunting ability—might also be conjured by this effect.



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