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AuteurSujet:  Avengers Mansion - HRP Uniquement  (Lu 784959 fois)

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Hors ligne Sigurd Hallvard

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Re : Avengers Mansion - HRP Uniquement
« Réponse #300 le: septembre 02, 2012, 18:36:49 »
There can sometimes be a fine line between devices (Removable powers) and equipment (relatively mundane technology).
The primary differences are: Devices are part of the character’s traits. They grant effects beyond the capabilities of
normal equipment, and they’re only ever lost or taken away temporarily. If an item is integral to the character’s concept
or abilities, it’s probably a device.
Equipment, on the other hand, is limited to fairly “mundane” things, can be taken away or even destroyed with impunity,
and merely supplements the character’s traits. Equipment doesn’t grant “powers” per se (although equipment does provide
certain effects). Here are some examples of devices vs. equipment:
• A high-tech suit of powered armor. Device.
• A sword or other mundane melee weapon. Equipment.
• A magical sword able to slice through tank armor. Device.
• The power to summon weapons out of thin air. These weapons never run out of ammo and vanish when taken away
from the wielder, who can summon another weapon as a free action. Neither. This is just a descriptor for various attack
effect powers. Since the “weapons” can’t really be taken away, they’re not devices or equipment.
• The character wears a cape allowing him to glide on air currents. Device.
• The character has a commlink installed in her costume. Equipment.
• The character has a cybernetic implant allowing him to “hear” radio waves. Neither. Although it has a technological
descriptor, the implant can’t be removed without surgery, so it isn’t a device or equipment. The same is true of
devices like bionic claws or other implants.
Ultimately, it is up to the GM whether or not a particular item is considered a device or equipment (or neither), depending
on the nature of the series and the characters.
The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.


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