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juin 05, 2024, 01:07:14
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AuteurSujet:  HRP Uniquement  (Lu 309255 fois)

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Re : HRP Uniquement
« Réponse #775 le: avril 10, 2024, 04:04:16 »
J'avais cru mettre mis le lien dans mon dernier message...

sceau des Amatatsu
This stone statuette of a dragon is one of five royal seals of Minkai, and represents the Amatatsu family’s divine right to rule the empire of Minkai. Should no Amatatsus of pure blood be able to take up that charge, however, the Amatatsu Seal can invest the right to rule as an Amatatsu in any number of living humanoid hosts. These Amatatsu scions often experience a series of visions of the past, present, and possible future.The Amatatsu Seal has a daily allotment of 5 charges that it can use to cast the following spells on an Amatatsu scion: cure serious wounds, remove curse, remove disease, or restoration. Each casting uses up 1 daily charge. Alternatively, the seal can cast heal on an Amatatsu scion, but doing so expends all 5 charges. Finally, and only at the seal’s discretion, it can cast resurrection on an Amatatsu scion, but doing so renders its spellcasting powers useless for a month.The Amatatsu Seal itself radiates strong magic, and those with the proper resources can sense this magic across oceans and continents, allowing it to be tracked across any distance. Originally meant to allow its rightful owners the ability to track it if stolen, this feature makes it dangerous to remove the seal from its warding box, for as long as the warding box is open, the oni of the Five Storms can track it. The repercussions of this are detailed in later adventures in the Jade Regent Adventure Path.


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