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AuteurSujet:  Registre Impérial (Liste des écoles)  (Lu 15098 fois)

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Registre Impérial (Liste des écoles)
« le: février 27, 2013, 22:57:18 »

Index des écoles de chaque clan, voies alternatives, et écoles avancées. Les écoles Impériales, de Clans Mineurs, et les ordres de Moines sont listés aussi.

Légende des tags:

CR vient du livre de base.
GC vient du livre 'Great Clans'.
BoA vient du livre Book of Air.
BoE vient du livre Book of Earth.
BoF vient du livre Book of Fire.
BoV vient du livre Book of Void.
BoW vient du livre Book of Water.
EE vient du livre Emerald Empire.
EnE vient du livre Enemies of the Empire.
IH vient du livre Imperial Histories.
IH2 vient du livre Imperial Histories2.
NP vient du livre Naishou Province.
SE vient du livre Secrets of the Empire.
StE vient du livre Strongholds of the Empire.
S&F vient du livre Sword and Fan.
[Tag] Tag(s) de l'école en question.


- Hida Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Crab BerserkerCR, Crab DefenderBoA, Falcon's StrikeBoA, Sumai WrestlerBoE, Tsuru's LegionS&F, Alternate4: Crab Knife-FighterBoF, Severed HandBoE, Yasuki TaskmasterS&F)
- Hida PragmatistEE [Bushi] (Alternate2: Crab BerserkerCR, Yasuki EnforcerStE, Alternate4: Crab Knife-FighterBoF, Severed HandBoE, Yasuki TaskmasterS&F)
- Hiruma Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Crab BerserkerCR, Crab DefenderBoA, Tsuru's LegionS&F, Alternate3: Crab Knife-FighterBoF, Hiruma YojimboStE, Alternate4: Hiruma SlayerBoE, Hiruma SniperBoA, Severed HandBoE)
- Hiruma ScoutIH [Bushi] (Alternate2: Falcon's StrikeBoA, Alternate3: Crab Knife-FighterBoF, Hiruma YojimboStE, Alternate4: Hiruma SlayerBoE, Hiruma SniperBoA, Severed HandBoE)
- Kaiu Engineer SchoolGC [Artisan, Bushi] (Alternate2: Crab BerserkerCR, Alternate3: Kaiu ShipmasterIH2, Alternate4: Severed HandBoE, Alternate5: Kaiu SiegemasterBoE)
- Kuni Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Toritaka ExorcistGC, Alternate3: Oni SlayerCR, Alternate4: Kuni Crystal MasterBoE)
- Kuni Witch HunterGC [Monk] (Alternate2: Student of Hitsu-doBoF)
- Yasuki Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate2: Sumai WrestlerBoE [Bushi], Yasuki EnforcerStE [Bushi], Alternate3: Yasuki TaskmasterS&F, Alternate4: Yasuki ExtortionistBoE)
- Defender of the WallCR [Bushi, Advanced]


- Hitomi Kikage ZumiIH [Monk] (Alternate2: Water Hammer SmithStE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF)
- Kitsuki Investigator SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate2: Water Hammer SmithStE, Alternate3: Kitsuki DebaterGC, Kitsuki JusticarIH, Alternate6:Kitsuki's EyeBoW)
- Mirumoto Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Mirumoto MountaineerCR, Water Hammer SmithStE, Alternate4: Dragon's FlameGC, Dragon's WindS&F, Hojatsu's LegacyBoF, Mirumoto SentinelStE)
- Mirumoto Taoist SwordsmanEE [Bushi] (Alternate2: Water Hammer SmithStE, Alternate3: Dragon's WindS&F, Mirumoto SentinelStE, Alternate4: Dragon's FlameGC, Alternate5: Hojatsu's LegacyBoF)
- Tamori Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Tamori WeaponsmithBoE [Artisan], Water Hammer SmithStE [Artisan], Alternate4: Tamori Warrior PriestCR)
- Togashi Tattooed OrderCR [Monk] (Alternate2: Transcendant BrotherhoodBoE, Water Hammer SmithStE, Alternate3: Togashi DefenderGC)
- Mirumoto Master SenseiGC [Bushi, Advanced]
- SwordmasterCR [Bushi, Advanced]
- Tamori Master of the MountainGC [Shugenja, Advanced]


- Asahina Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Asahina FetishistCR, Sister of the Sacred LightBoA, Alternate3: Asahina ArtisanBoA [Artisan], Student of Mizu-doBoW [Monk/Artisan])
- Daidoji Iron WarriorsCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Crane Elite SpearmanStE, Alternate3: Daidoji Spy-masterBoW, Daidoji Trading CouncilBoA, Doji MarinesIH2, Alternate4: Asahina ArcherBoA, Daidoji Heavy RegularsBoE, Empress GuardCR)
- Daidoji Scout SchoolGC [Bushi] (Alternate2: Crane Elite SpearmanStE, Alternate3: Daidoji SpymasterBoW, Daidoji Trading CouncilBoA, Empress GuardCR)
- Doji Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate3: Daidoji Spy-masterBoW, Daidoji Trading CouncilBoA, Doji InnocentBoA, Student of Mizu-doBoW [Monk/Artisan], Alternate4: Doji ApologistS&F)
- Doji MagistrateEE [Bushi] (Alternate3: Daidoji Trading CouncilBoA, Doji MarinesIH2, Alternate4: Asahina ArcherBoA)
- Kakita ArtisansGC [Artisan] (Alternate3: Student of Mizu-doBoW [Monk], Alternate5: Kakita JestersGC)
- Kakita Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Doji Warrior-PoetStE, Alternate3: Empress GuardCR)
- Children of DojiS&F [Courtier, Advanced]
- Daidoji HarrierIH [Ninja, Advanced]
- Kakita Master ArtisansGC [Artisan, Advanced]
- KenshizenCR [Bushi, Advanced]


- Ide Emissary SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate1: Ide Caravan MasterStEAlternate2: Ide Trader, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate4: Hand of PeaceBoA)
- Iuchi Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Iuchi CourierBoE, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Iuchi TravellerCR)
- Meishodo ShugenjaGC [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Iuchi TravellerCR)
- Moto Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Shinjo MagistrateS&F, Shinjo ScoutCR, Unicorn Bariqu WrestlerBoE, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Calm Heart DuelistStE, Alternate4: Moto FanaticGC, Unicorn Yomanri ArcherBoA, Unicorn War-Dog MasterS&F)
- Moto Death PriestIH [Shugenja]
- Moto VindicatorGC [Bushi] (Alternate2: Shinjo MagistrateS&F, Shinjo ScoutCR, Unicorn Bariqu WrestlerBoE, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Calm Heart DuelistStE, Alternate4: Moto FanaticGC, Unicorn Yomanri ArcherBoA)
- Shinjo BushiEE [Bushi](Alternate2: Shinjo MagistrateS&F, Shinjo Scout, Unicorn Bariqu WrestlerBoE, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Calm Heart DuelistStE, Alternate4: Ox Clan VigilantSE, Unicorn Yomanri ArcherBoA, Unicorn War-Dog MasterS&F)
- Utaku Battle Maiden SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Shinjo MagistrateS&F, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Calm Heart DuelistStE, Alternate4: Unicorn Yomanri ArcherBoA)
- Utaku Mounted InfantryIH2 [Bushi] (Alternate2: Shinjo Scout, Utaku Horse MasterGC, Alternate3: Calm Heart DuelistStE, Alternate4: Unicorn War-Dog MasterS&F)
- White GuardCR [Advanced, Bushi]


- Akodo Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate1: DeathseekerCR, Alternate2: Ikoma WardenStE, Lion ScoutGC, Lioness LegionStE, Alternate3: Lion ParagonGC, Alternate4: Akodo KensaiGC, Akodo Siege StrategistBoE, Ikoma ScrapperS&F, Lion TacticianS&F)
- Ikoma Bard SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate3: Ikoma HistorianBoF, Ikoma OratorS&F, Alternate4: Ikoma ScrapperS&F [Bushi], Lion TacticianS&F [Bushi])
- Ikoma Lion's ShadowEE [Bushi] (Alternate1: DeathseekerCR, Alternate2: Ikoma WardenStE, Lion ScoutGC, Alternate3: Ikoma HistorianBoF, Lion ParagonGC, Alternate4: Ikoma ScrapperS&F, KensaiGC, Lion TacticianS&F)
- Kitsu Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Bishamon's ChosenCR Disciples of the RiverBoW, Alternate4: Kitsu LegionBoA)
- Matsu BeastmastersGC [Bushi] (Alternate1: DeathseekerCR, Alternate2: Lion ScoutGC, Lioness LegionStE, Alternate3: Lion ParagonGC, Alternate4: KensaiGC, Lion TacticianS&F)
- Lion Elite SpearmenNP [Bushi](Alternate1: DeathseekerCR, Alternate2: Lion ScoutGC, Alternate3: Lion ParagonGC, Alternate4: Akodo KensaiGC, Lion TacticianS&F)
- Matsu Berserker SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate1: DeathseekerCR, Alternate2: Lion ScoutGC, Lioness LegionStE, Alternate3: Lion ParagonGC, Alternate4: Akodo KensaiGC, Ikoma ScrapperS&F, Lion TacticianS&F)
- Akodo Tactical MasterGC [Bushi, Advanced] (Alternate2: Akodo Siege StrategistBoE)
- Lion's PrideCR [Bushi, Advanced]
- Sodan-SenzoIH [Shugenja, Advanced]


- Mantis BrawlerGC [Bushi] (Alternate1: Moshi Guardian of the SunGC, Alternate2: Kitsune RangerGC, Yoritomo ScoundrelCR, Yoritomo SculptorBoE [Artisan], Alternate6: Orochi RiderS&F)
- Moshi Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Sister of the Sacred LightBoA, Alternate3: Mantis NavigatorCR, Alternate5: Orochi RiderS&F)
- Tsuruchi Archer SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate1: Moshi Guardian of the SunGC, Alternate2: Kitsune RangerGC, Three Man Alliance SoldierIH, Yoritomo ScoundrelCR, Yoritomo SculptorBoE [Artisan], Alternate4: Tsuruchi SwordsmanEnE, Alternate6: Orochi RiderS&F, Tsuruchi Master BowmanBoA)
- Tsuruchi Bounty HunterGC [Bushi] (Alternate1: Moshi Guardian of the SunGC, Alternate2: Kitsune RangerGC, Three Man Alliance SoldierIH, Yoritomo ScoundrelCR, Yoritomo SculptorBoE [Artisan], Alternate3: Student of the Cliff's EdgeBoW, Alternate4: Tsuruchi SwordsmanEnE, Alternate6: Orochi RiderS&F, Tsuruchi Master BowmanBoA)
- Yoritomo Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate1: Moshi Guardian of the SunGC, Alternate2: Kitsune RangerGC, Yoritomo ScoundrelCR, Yoritomo SculptorBoE [Artisan], Alternate4: Mantis Whirlwind FighterBoE, Student of the Cliff's EdgeBoW, Alternate6: Orochi RiderS&F)
- Yoritomo Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate2: Yoritomo SculptorBoE [Artisan], Alternate4: Yoritomo EmissaryBoE, Alternate6: Orochi RiderS&F)
- Yoritomo ShugenjaGC [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Mantis NavigatorCR, Alternate4: Acolyte of ThunderIH, Alternate5: Orochi RiderS&F)
- Kobune CaptainEE [Advanced, Bushi]
- Storm RidersCR [Advanced, Shugenja]


- Agasha Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Acolyte of the SnowBoW, Alternate3: Agasha AlchemistBoF)
- Asako HenshinGC [Monk] (Alternate2: Kawaru SageBoW, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Alternate3: Asako ScholarBoF)
- Asako Loremaster SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate2: Asako MediatorS&F, Asako PhilosopherStE, Alternate3: Asako ScholarBoF, Shiba AdvisorS&F)
- Isawa Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate1: Shiba IllusionistBoA [Artisan], Alternate2: Acolytes of the SnowBoW, Asako MediatorS&F, Isawa TensaiCR, Kawaru SageBoW, Sister of the Sacred LightBoA, Alternate3: Inferno GuardBoF, Isawa SeaguardIH2, Mist LegionBoA [Air], Nameless OneIH)
- Shiba ArtisanEE [Artisan] (Alternate1: Shiba IllusionistBoA [Artisan])
- Shiba Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Asako MediatorS&F, Provincial GuardStE, Sesai NinjaBoV [Ninja], Shiba ArmorsmithBoE [Artisan], Alternate3: Elemental LegionsGC, Shiba YojimboCR, Alternate5: Order of ChikaiGC)
- Asako InquisitorGC [Advanced, Monk]
- Elemental GuardCR [Advanced, Shugenja]


- Bayushi Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate2: Bayushi DistractorS&F, Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Shosuro DefilerBoA)
- Bayushi Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Bitter Lies SwordsmanCR, Saigo's BladesBoA, Shadow BladesStE [Ninja], Scorpion Elite GuardS&F, Scorpion's TailBoW, Alternate4: Scorpion WeaponmasterStE)
- Shosuro Actor SchoolGC [Ninja, Courtier] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Scorpion Elite GuardS&F [Bushi], Shosuro DefilerBoA, Alternate6: Shosuro AssassinBoE)
- Shosuro Infiltrator SchoolCR [Ninja] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Shadow BladesStE, Alternate4: Scorpion's TailBoW, Alternate6: Shosuro AssassinBoE)
- Soshi MagistrateEE [Bushi] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH)
- Soshi Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Shadow HunterCR, Soshi DeceiverBoA, Alternate4: KuroibanGC, Alternate5: Fading ShadowBoV)
- Yogo Ward MastersGC [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Scorpion LoyalistIH, Alternate3: Shadow HunterCR, Alternate4: KuroibanGC, Alternate4: Fading ShadowBoV)
- Scorpion InstigatorCR [Advanced, Courtier]
- Scorpion SaboteurIH [Ninja, Advanced]


- Chuda Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Chuda NecromancerGC; Alternate4: Chuda SubversiveCR)
- Daigotsu Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate1: Obsidian MagistrateCR, Alternate2: Daigotsu ScoutStE)
- Daigotsu Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate3: Dark WhisperBoA)
- Dark Moto CavalryEnE [Bushi, Lost]
- Goju Ninja SchoolGC [Ninja]
- Ninube Shugenja SchoolGC [Shugenja]
- Order of the Spider MonksCR [Monk] (Alternate2: Dark Path SoheiStE)
- Maho-BujinEnE [Bushi, Lost, Advanced]
- Obsidian WarriorCR [Advanced, Bushi]
- The Dark ParagonsEE [Monk, Advanced]

Clans Mineurs

- Clan du Blaireau: Ichiro Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate3: Ichiro Pass WardenSE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Buffle: Morito Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE, Ox Clan VigilantSE)
- Clan de la Chauve-Souris: Komori Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan de la Chouette*: Hantei Bushi SchoolIH2 [Bushi] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan de la Chouette*: Otomo DiplomatsIH2 [Courtier] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan de la Chouette*: Seppun ShugenjaIH2 [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Seppun Hidden GuardSE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE, Seppun AstrologerBoW)
- Clan du Faucon*: Toritaka Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Falcon's StrikeBoA, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan de la Libellule: Tonbo Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja, Courtier] (Alternate2: Kawaru SageBoW, Alternate3: Ichiro Pass WardenSE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Lièvre: Usagi Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Ujina SkirmisherBoE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Loriot (Oriole): Tsi Smith SchoolCR [Artisan] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Moineau: Suzume Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Suzume StorytellerSE [Courtier/Artisan], Three Man Alliance SoldierIH, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Renard*: Kitsune Shugenja SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate2: Kitsune ArtisanStE, Alternate3: Child of ChikushudoBoE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Sanglier*: Heichi Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Serpent*: Chuda Shugenja SchoolCR [Shugenja] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Singe: Fuzake Shugenja SchoolSE [Shugenja] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Singe: Toku Bushi SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE)
- Clan du Tigre: Yotsu Bushi SchoolIH [Bushi]
- Clan de la Tortue: Kasuga Smuggler SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate3: Tortoise KillerSE, Alternate4: Minor Clan Alliance DiplomatStE, Tortoise PathIH)
- Tous: Minor Clan DefenderEE [Bushi, Advanced]
*n'existent plus, mais peut servir à représenter un autre Clan Mineur

Familles Impériales

- Miya Herald SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate4: Imperial ObserverS&F, Satoshi's LegacySE)
- Otomo Courtier SchoolCR [Courtier] (Alternate3: Imperial InfluencerS&F, Otomo BureaucratBoE, Alternate4: Imperial ObserverS&F)
- Seppun Guardsman SchoolCR [Bushi] (Alternate5: The Rising SunS&F)
- Seppun ShugenjaIH2 [Shugenja] (Alternate2: Seppun Hidden GuardSE, Alternate4: Seppun AstrologerBoW)
- Imperial ScionEE [Courtier, Advanced]
- Tsudao's LegionIH2 [Bushi, Advanced]


- Four Temples MonksCR [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA)
- Fudoist MonkIH2 [None] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Fukurokujin's EyesBoA [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Hoshi Tsurui ZumiIH [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Tengoku's FistBoF [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of the Five RingsEE [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of Heroes MonksCR [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA, )
- Order of Jurojin's BlessingBoW [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Order of EbisuBoV [Courtier], Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of the Nameless GiftBoE [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of Peaceful ReposeSE [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of RebirthBoF [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Order of the WindBoA [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Scholars of the First DawnIH2 [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Servants of MercyBoW [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Shinmaki OrderEE [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Shrine of Heaven's MirrorBoW [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Shrine of the Seven Thunders MonksCR [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Pure Song ShrineSE, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Temple of Heavenly WisdomBoF [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Temple of Kaimetsu-uo MonksCR [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Temple of Osano-wo MonksCR [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Temple of PersistenceBoE [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Temple of the Thousand FortunesCR [Fortunist] (Alternate2: Barefoot BrethrenSE, Brotherhood SpyIH, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate3: Order of EbisuBoV [Courtier], Silent OnesSE, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Tengoku's FistBoF [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)
- Wind's Grace OrderBoA [Shintao] (Alternate2: Brotherhood SpyIH, Defender of the BrotherhoodBoE, Student of Hitsu-doBoF, Way of AirBoA, Alternate4: AbbotBoV, Alternate5: Taoist ArcherBoA)


- Ronin Rank 1[Bushi] (Disciples of Sun TaoCR, Forest KillersCR, Hawk PuristIH2 [Courtier], Koga NinjaBoV [Ninja], People's LegionnaireIH, Tawagoto's ArmyCR, Tengoku's JusticeCR, The TessenCR)
- Ronin Rank 2[Bushi] (Claws of the WolfEnE, East WindEnE, Eyes of NanashiEnE, Fireman Gang LordStE, Ghost of the ForestBoV, Hateru NinjaBoV [Ninja], Master of GamesBoA [Courtier], Moonless RidersEnE, Silent BladesEnE, The Guards' WrathStE, The ThousandSEWay of AirBoA,RARE, )
- Ronin Rank 3[Bushi] (Broken GuardEnE, Hidden SwordEnE, Machi KanshishaEnE, Scales of the CarpBoW [Courtier], Serpents of SanadaEnE, Silken PromisesBoA [Courtier, Geisha], Snow RidersEnE, Tsume PikemenIH, The UnbrokenIH2)
- Ronin Rank 4[Bushi] (Guardian of the Hidden TempleEnE, Kenburo's WayIH, Seven Waves MercenariesEnE, Sword of YotsuEnE, WeaversEnE)
- Ronin Rank 5[Bushi] (Iron Gauntlet BrotherhoodEnE, Shadowed SteelEnE, Taoist ArchersBoA, Wolf LegionEnE)
- Mantis BrawlerGC [Bushi]
- Dutiful Disciple ShugenjaEnE [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Order of IsashiSE, Alternate4: Order of the Five WeaponsSE)
- Ronin Order ShugenjaEnE [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Order of IsashiSE, Alternate4: Order of the Five WeaponsSE)
- Self-Taught ShugenjaEnE [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Order of IsashiSE, Alternate4: Order of the Five WeaponsSE)
- Void MysticBoV [Shugenja] (Alternate3: Order of IsashiSE, Alternate4: Order of the Five WeaponsSE)
- Disciples of Sun TaoSE [Bushi, Advanced]
- Legion of Two ThousandSE [Bushi, Advanced]


- Kenku Swordsman SchoolEnE [Bushi]
- Naga ScoutEnE [Bushi, Naga]
- Naga WarriorEnE [Bushi, Naga] (Alternate3: Master BowmanEnE)
- Nezumi WarriorEnE [Bushi, Nezumi]
- Nezumi BerserkersEnE [Nezumi, Advanced]
- Tsuno RavagerEnE [Bushi]
- Alternate2: Chrysanthemum ConspiratorIH2, Imperial LegionnaireCR, Jade LegionnaireCR
- Alternate4: Emerald MagistrateCR, Jade MagistrateCR, Kenburo's WayIH, Order of the Stone CrabIH2
- AlternateSPEC: Emerald ChampionCR, Ruby ChampionCR, Topaz ChampionCR


- Naga CourtierEnE [Courtier, Naga]
- Alternate2: Chrysanthemum ConspiratorIH2
- Alternate4: Emerald MagistrateCR, Jade MagistrateCR
- AlternateSPEC: Amethyst ChampionCR, Topaz ChampionCR


- Naga JaklaEnE [Shugenja, Naga] (Alternate2: Pearl ShapersEnE)
- Nezumi ShamanEnE [Shugenja, Nezumi]
- Alternate2: Gozoku AgentIH, Jade LegionnaireCR, Asahina Fire SculptorBoE
- Alternate4: Emerald MagistrateCR, Jade MagistrateCR
- Alternate6: Dragon ChannelerBoV
- AlternateSPEC: Jade ChampionCR, Topaz ChampionCR


- Kolat AssassinEnE [Ninja, Advanced]


- Nezumi RemembererEnE [Nezumi]
- Nezumi ScroungerEnE [Nezumi]
- Alternate2: Agent of the Second GozokuIH2, College of ClarityBoF [Courtier]
- Alternate6: Kolat MasterEnE
- AlternateANY: BloodspeakerEnE
- AlternateSPEC: Serpent HunterIH2 (remplace le rang où on peut faire attaque en Action Simple)
« Modifié: décembre 13, 2014, 21:12:42 par Mikal »
"I am your worst nightmare."
"...You mean the one where I'm naked, and the three dogs are biting my-"


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