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juin 02, 2024, 10:33:20
Le forum Planète Rôliste existe depuis 2006, il a pour vocation de promouvoir les jeux de rôles (JdR) et permettre de jouer des parties même pour ceux qui n'ont plus de table à disposition (au sens propre comme au sens figuré), à l'écrit en "Play by Post", grâce aux très nombreux outils à disposition, ou en chat vocal/vidéo pour ceux qui le souhaitent. Les expatriés, les nomades, les timides, les boulimiques du JdR, les petits nouveaux, les peujs et les meujs, tous sont les bienvenus au sein de notre communauté.

AuteurSujet:  2.3 Descente dans la tanière des Gnolls  (Lu 224671 fois)

0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Hors ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
  • *
  • cleric Niv.7
    PV: 49/55
    XP: 18%
  • Messages: 55519
  • Le moment présent est celui qui nous appartient.

  • Activité
Nous allons éradiquer l'influence maléfique de cette région, celui ou celle qui dirige les gnolls devra se positionner pour ou contre nous. Nous cherchons donc qui sera son successeurs.

Puis il tente de faire le tlien entre les 5 templiers et leurs armes et celle de son interlocuteur...
Dans un petit temple, vous avez trouver des écrits qui parlaient des Templiers des Cind Vents.

DC 13: The Templars of the Five Winds were a group of f ive powerful genies from antiquity. They
have not been heard from in centuries, but travelers in the northern reaches of Katapesh and the southern
bounds of Osirion still sometimes attribute miracles or victories to their guidance.

DC 16: Legend tells that the Templars of the Five Winds defeated a great evil hundreds of years ago near Pale
Mountain in the Brazen Peaks, a pinnacle not very far from the village of Kelmarane. Each Templar was associated
with a specific aspect of the wind, and each wielded a distinct, highly potent magic weapon.

DC 20: The Templars of the Five Winds were said to be particular enemies of the cult of Rovagug, god of
destruction, and many tales of their triumphs recount battles against the spawn of that vile religion. The templars
themselves are jann, mortal genie-spirits dedicated to no particular element. For some reason, these jann cannot
die, though none have been seen in centuries.

DC 25: The Templars of the Five Winds served a powerful djinni princess named Nefeshti, a great genie
noble whose designs upon Osirion and Katapesh have had good and bad consequences. The Song of Edrehu suggests
that the Templars’ immortality came from a powerful wish uttered by Nefeshti in antiquity, stating that so long as the
warriors retained her favor, they would live forever. This result also grants the names and associated weapons of the
five Templars, but not the additional information given for each Templar mentioned below.

Davashuum : Davashuum is an amoral and deadly creature that served
Nefeshti as an executioner and, in dire extremes, as an assassin. He represents the fury of winds from all
directions and wields a powerful quarterstaff.

Kardswann : A scout and traveler of the planes, Kardswann’s weapon is an elaborate greataxe,
and he represents the south wind, the most well-traveled and worldly of the winds.

Pazhvann : Pazhvann is Nefeshti’s advisor and spiritual guide. He represents the east wind, upon which the whispers of the gods and the advice of elders is carried.
His weapon is a tremendous burning flail.

Vardishal : A general of Nefeshti’s armies, Vardishal’s spirit resides in the monastery
laboratory. He wields whatever weapon is favored by his new host, and in life he represents the north wind, a wind
said to carry the battle cries of all armies.

Zayifid : Nefeshti’s spy and diplomat, Zayifid was a messenger and spy. He represents the west
wind, upon which secrets thought hidden were carried. His weapon is a delicate but razor-sharp scimitar.
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho


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