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AuteurSujet:  Traits de campagne  (Lu 9856 fois)

0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Traits de campagne
« le: mai 23, 2020, 17:37:15 »
Earning Your Freedom:

You’ve been a slave your whole life, and have passed from master to master more times than you can count. Some of those masters were cruel, others kindly. In all cases, you’ve yearned to be free. When your most recent master fell on hard times, he sold many of his slaves to the city government, and as luck would have it, a recent opportunity to earn your freedom has manifested.

The Pactmasters of Katapesh are looking to revitalize an old trade route to Osirion, and a band of mercenaries and guards is gathering to go out and supplement forces already in place near the ruined village of Kelmarane, now said to be infested by gnolls. You’ve secured a place among those mercenaries, under the watchful eye of Garavel. If you help in retaking Kelmarane, you’ve been promised your freedom. In any event, your life as a slave has toughened you and made you more resistant to hardship.

Choose one of the three categories of saving throw; you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type.

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #1 le: mai 23, 2020, 17:46:45 »
Seeking Adventure:

The Pathfinder Society has long intrigued you—tales of the exotic lands and strange discoveries made by Pathfinders have enchanted your dreams and fired your imagination since childhood. When Pathfinders came through your village or neighborhood, they immediately enthralled you with their stories and knowledge. Yet at the time, you were far too young to join them, and when they left for adventure you had to stay behind.

Now that you are of age, you’ve traveled to Absalom to apply for membership. The application process went well, and you’re now a full member. Your first assignment is to accompany Garavel’s group to Kelmarane—the Pathfinder Society has heard rumors of several ancient structures in the area, including a ruined monastery once dedicated to Sarenrae, and would like to learn more about them. Even more pressing is the mystery of what brought about Kelmarane’s ruin in the first place—reports of which are vague at best.

If you can determine the cause of the village’s abandonment so many years ago, you’re sure the Society would be impressed.

You begin the game with your own wayfinder, a loan from your venture-captain. You’ve promised to pay your venturecaptain 500 gp for the wayfinder some day, but for now it’s yours to use.

Wayfinder (Standard)

Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight 1 lb.


A small magical device patterned off ancient relics of a long lost civilization, a wayfinder is typically made from silver and bears gold accents. With a command word, you can use a wayfinder to shine (as the light spell). The wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders include a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits (as if it were orbiting your head), but frequently reveals entirely new powers due to the magic of the wayfinder itself.


Feats Craft Wondrous Item, light; Cost 250 gp

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #2 le: mai 23, 2020, 17:51:32 »
Reclaiming your Roots:

Your interest in the village of Kelmarane is more personal than most of the others who are heading out to aid in the reclamation. You aren’t seeking revenge against gnolls, glory, money, or anything else—to you, this is purely a matter of honor, as Kelmarane is where you were born. Your were forced to flee the village when you were only a few years old, and you didn’t discoverer this until a few years ago—perhaps you found an old document that revealed the truth, or maybe you learned the news from a relative.

Both of your parents are now dead, and from what you’ve been able to piece together, one of your parents actually died in the village when whatever happened there happened. Your surviving parent spirited you away to safety to grow up elsewhere, but never spoke of Kelmarane and always told you that your other parent died when you were a child in a horrific tragedy like a fire or a flood that swept away the body. Now that you’ve started to uncover the truth, you are convinced that your heritage remains hidden in Kelmarane. Whether you just wish to find out what really happened to your parent that died there or you want to rebuild the village in his or her honor is up to you—but Garavel’s caravan to the village is just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

When your other parent died recently, among his or her effects was a single item that once belonged to the parent who died at Kelmarane. This item is your most valued possession—a piece of jewelry worth 350 gp, any masterwork weapon or armor worth no more than 350 gp, or a wand containing any 1st-level spell (CL 1st) with only 20 charges remaining. If you ever lose this item, your resulting depression imposes a –1 penalty on Will saves for 1 year.

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #3 le: mai 23, 2020, 17:53:21 »
Gnoll Killer:

You grew up in rural Katapesh, in a region where gnoll activity was a fact of life. You killed your first gnoll at a young age when a group of gnoll slavers attacked your village, home, or caravan, and your hatred of gnolls has only grown since then. Something in your past fueled your hatred of gnolls even further— perhaps your family was slaughtered by gnolls, or maybe you even served a few harrowing weeks as a prisoner of a gnoll tribe before a miraculous escape. When you heard that Garavel was looking for brave men and women to aid in retaking the village of Kelmarane from a tribe of gnolls in the service of the notorious Carrion King, you knew you had to be part of the group, and signed up immediately.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls made against gnolls. If you are a barbarian and you’re fighting gnolls, your rage lasts 1 round longer than normal. If you’re a ranger and you select humanoid (gnoll) as a favored enemy, your trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against gnolls increases to +2. If you’re a spellcaster, you gain a +1 trait bonus to spell save DCs for damaging spells against gnolls.

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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  • cleric Niv.
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #4 le: mai 23, 2020, 17:55:16 »

You’ve spent much of the last several years serving your faith, and the conviction and dedication to your church has impressed many. Perhaps you’ve donated much of your personal wealth or time to serving the church, or you’re the child of a powerful or well-loved member of the church, an orphan raised by the church, or a foundling with a strange birthmark that bears more than a passing resemblance to your faith’s holy symbol. The faith has long supported you, and you are eager to repay the church in some way. In Katapesh, the establishment of a new village is always cause for interest to the nation’s churches, as establishing new temples in villages is an excellent way to expand upon the church’s resources and bring in more faithful. If the Pactmasters’ plans to revitalize and rebuild Kelmarane are successful, the village will need a temple, and your faith is keenly interested in being represented there. This campaign trait is particularly suited to worshipers of Sarenrae, as Kelmarane was founded near an old monastery dedicated to the Dawnflower, and reconsecrating that monastery is of great interest to Sarenrae’s church. Furthermore, a temple dedicated to her once stood in Kelmarane itself, but it has long since fallen into ruin; whispers among the religion tell that the church’s old pastor may have fallen
from grace and may even have been part of the cause of the hard times that befell the village. You’ve joined Garavel’s band in hopes of helping to establish a new temple in the soon-to-be revitalized village.

You’ve been selected for your dedication to the church and your strong social graces—pick one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Perform (any), or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks using that skill, and it is always considered a class skill for you.

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
  • *
  • cleric Niv.
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #5 le: mai 23, 2020, 17:59:50 »
Finding Haleen:

You never knew your parents—perhaps they died when you were a child, or maybe you were taken from them and raised elsewhere as a slave. You owe your sanity and your life to a woman named Haleen. She could be your sister or merely a childhood companion, but whatever your relationship to her, she took care of you
and protected you.

She’s always been a part of your life, and although her temper often kept her from making friends or keeping a job, she’s always been kind to you.
Haleen was instrumental in securing your freedom from slavery or making sure you got a good apprenticeship or job in society—but recently, she’d been growing strangely morose and depressed. You and Haleen normally kept no secrets, but whatever was bothering her wasn’t something she shared with you. One night, she vanished, leaving you a brief note, begging you to forget her and to get on with your life, but something about the note bothered you—something in the way she phrased her words struck you as forced. You may be convinced she’d been kidnapped, forced to leave against her will, or even magically controlled, but you also suspect that she left you to protect you from something—that was ever her way. You’re now convinced that it’s time for you to step in and protect her, but you had no idea where she may have gone until recently. Several months have passed since she disappeared, and you’ve spent those months searching for clues to her location, and you’ve finally found a lead—a mysterious note, a strange dream, the result of a back-alley divination, or a report of a sighting of a woman matching Haleen’s description has come to you, placing Haleen in the vicinity of an old ghost town named Kelmarane. What she’s doing there and how she came to be there makes no
sense to you yet, but the lead is the strongest one you’ve had.

This and Garavel’s advertisement for mercenaries to accompany him to the region is all the omen you need. You joined Garavel’s group and eagerly await the day you’ll be leaving for Kelmarane. Although Haleen chose to become a swashbuckling adventurer, she always encouraged you to seek your own path, and her support is the primary reason you chose the class you did at 1st level.

This class is always a favored class to you, and your dedication to it is such that every time you take a level in the class, you gain +1 hit point and OR 1 additional skill point over and above what you would normally gain. If multiple PCs take this trait, they should be siblings who were both protected and raised by Haleen.

En ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #6 le: mai 26, 2020, 03:24:11 »
Par défaut, c’est 1 ou l’autre. Le trait donne 1 et l’autre???
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #7 le: mai 26, 2020, 20:14:08 »
Exactement...  Le trait donne les deux de base. C'est le template humain plus un don. C'est beaucoup pour un trait.

Donc je l'ai modifié et maintenant c'est comme un pt de compétence de base; on choisit de le mettre dans une compétence ou dans les pdv.

En ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #8 le: mai 26, 2020, 22:44:25 »
Toute les classe et toutes les races donne 1pdv ou 1 skill point dans la classe de prédilection. Je ne vois pas du tout où est le template humain plus 1 don.  :???
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #9 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:11:49 »
Le trait donne présentement tel qu'écrit: +1 pt de compétence et +1 pdv par niveau

C'est l'équivalent du don Toughness (+1 pdv par niveau) et du template humain (+1 pt de compétence par niveau).

Donc je le convertis a : +1 pt de compétence de base. Donc vous en avez 1 ou 2 par niveau (si vous montez dans votre classe principale = 2, sinon = 1). 

En ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
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  • cleric Niv.7
    PV: 49/55
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  • Messages: 56580
  • Le moment présent est celui qui nous appartient.

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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #10 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:22:05 »
Je crois que tu le comprends mal. La règle de base de classe de prédilection de permet de choisir 1 ou l'autre. Avec ce trait, tu choisis 1 et l'autre, pas 1 de plus et l'autre.  :???
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #11 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:36:24 »
J’ai modifié le trait. Il ne donne qu’un point comme un pt de compétence de classe; à mettre dans les pdv ou dans une compétence.

En ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
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  • cleric Niv.7
    PV: 49/55
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  • Le moment présent est celui qui nous appartient.

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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #12 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:39:10 »
Je comprend ta modification, mais avec celle-ci le trait donne 0 avantage. C'est la règle de classe de prédilection!
Chaque personnage peut choisir une unique classe de prédilection lors de sa création. Il s’agit généralement de la classe qu’il a choisie au niveau 1. Chaque fois que le personnage gagne un niveau dans sa classe de prédilection, il reçoit soit +1 point de vie, soit +1 point de compétence, soit un bonus alternatif qui dépend de sa race et de sa classe (voir la description de chaque race pour connaître les bonus possibles).
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho

Hors ligne Esther

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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #13 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:40:23 »
Sauf que ça vient en plus !

En ligne Amud'habi

  • Archimage de Sigil
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  • Le moment présent est celui qui nous appartient.

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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #14 le: mai 26, 2020, 23:41:36 »
AH! Là je comprend...
« Si vous pensez que l'aventure est dangereuse, je vous propose d'essayer la routine... Elle est mortelle. »
Paulo Coelho

Hors ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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Re : Traits de campagne
« Réponse #15 le: mai 27, 2020, 03:39:22 »
 :8)  :up:


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