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Le forum Planète Rôliste existe depuis 2006, il a pour vocation de promouvoir les jeux de rôles (JdR) et permettre de jouer des parties même pour ceux qui n'ont plus de table à disposition (au sens propre comme au sens figuré), à l'écrit en "Play by Post", grâce aux très nombreux outils à disposition, ou en chat vocal/vidéo pour ceux qui le souhaitent. Les expatriés, les nomades, les timides, les boulimiques du JdR, les petits nouveaux, les peujs et les meujs, tous sont les bienvenus au sein de notre communauté.

AuteurSujet:  NPC  (Lu 5397 fois)

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En ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
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  • cleric Niv.
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« le: janvier 08, 2023, 23:41:04 »

Almah Roveshki

Almah is a beautiful young merchant princess, the latest in a long line of wealthy agents of the Pactmasters of Katapesh. Her family, originally from Varisia far to the north, has dwelt in Katapesh for several generations now. Unfortunately, her family has been down on its luck for most of those generations as a result of bad investments and the economic intrigues of rival merchant princes, but Almah is ready to steady the ship and rebuild her family legacy.

One way to do that is to rescue the village of Kelmarane, which used to be in the charge of her family ages ago. The
Pactmasters want it back, so they have sent Almah to make it so.

En ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
  • *
  • cleric Niv.
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Re : NPC
« Réponse #1 le: janvier 08, 2023, 23:43:39 »

With a lantern jaw and short black hair, the dashing Garavel looks more like a swordsman than an accountant and business expert, yet it is he who oversees much of Almah’s personal business.

Occasionally, Almah uses Garavel to do “dirty” work involving swordplay and skullduggery, always managing to keep herself removed from the lowest of her own dealings.

He and Almah share quarters, but there can be nothing sexual about their relationship.

En ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
  • *
  • cleric Niv.
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Re : NPC
« Réponse #2 le: janvier 08, 2023, 23:46:07 »
Prêtre Zastoran

Zastoran hails from the coastal capital of Katapesh. A cleric of Nethys, the god of magic, Zastoran joined up with Almah years ago when she was just starting out in business, and has been her personal physician and spiritual advisor ever since. Zastoran is a friendly, chatty chap who misses the comforts of his home city and who naturally gravitates toward good conversationalists with interest in culture and the arts.


En ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
  • *
  • cleric Niv.
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Re : NPC
« Réponse #3 le: janvier 08, 2023, 23:57:32 »

Haleen was recently forced to flee from her home town after an unfortunate series of events left her owing a lot of money
to a local criminal. She wandered the wilds for some time before finally coming to Kelmarane, and hopes now to
earn back the 2,000 gp she owes without having to resort to selling her heirlooms (her buckler and rapier) by fighting
for gold in the battle market.

Trait : Finding Haleen

Amud et Esther qui ont perdu leurs parents aux mains d'esclavagistes. Ils allaient devenir esclaves a leur tour quand Haleen les sauva de ce destin.

You owe your sanity and your life to a woman named Haleen. She saved you and took care of you and protected you. She’s always been a part of your life, and although her temper often kept her from making friends or keeping a job, she’s always been kind to you. Haleen was instrumental in securing your freedom from slavery or making sure you got a good apprenticeship or job in society—but recently, she’d been growing strangely morose and depressed. You and Haleen normally kept no secrets, but whatever was bothering her wasn’t something she shared with you. One night, she vanished, leaving you a brief note, begging you to forget her and to get on with your life, but something about the note bothered you—something in the way she phrased her words struck you as forced. You may be convinced she’d been kidnapped, forced to leave against her will, or even magically controlled, but you also suspect that she left you to protect you from something—that was ever her way. You’re now convinced that it’s time for you to step in and protect her, but you had no idea where she may have gone until recently.

Several months have passed since she disappeared, and you’ve spent those months searching for clues to her location, and you’ve finally found a lead—a mysterious note, a strange dream, the result of a back-alley divination, or a report of a sighting of a woman matching Haleen’s description has come to you, placing Haleen in the vicinity of an old ghost town named Kelmarane. What she’s doing there and how she came to be there makes no sense to you yet, but the lead is the strongest one you’ve had. This and Garavel’s advertisement for mercenaries to accompany him to the region is all the omen you need. You joined Garavel’s group and eagerly await the day you’ll be leaving for Kelmarane. Although Haleen chose to become a swashbuckling adventurer, she always encouraged you to seek your own path, and her support is the primary reason you chose the class you did at 1st level.

En ligne Dieu de feu

  • Sorcier de Bodach
  • *
  • cleric Niv.
    PV: /
    XP: 0%
  • Messages: 37318

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Re : NPC
« Réponse #4 le: janvier 09, 2023, 00:01:03 »

Rayhan, personne contact proposée par Almah et vivant a Katapesh pour identifier le parchemin.


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